The Macalope Weekly: Beleaguered Microsoft


Uh, kinda sorta, except without the "potential for awesomeness" factor.

"People like Microsoft because they're more open. If they turn out to be the same as Apple, it's unfortunate," Gartner analyst Ken Dulaney told Wired. "They're really hurting themselves by not explaining what they're doing."

In general, what Apple doesn't discuss are upcoming products. Everyone knows that the next release of iOS will be able to run on at least the current and previous generation hardware. Apple would dead-end an iPhone like this, so the Macalope's not really sure why the company is coming up here.

Gartner analyst Michael Gartenberg told Wired this: "I don't think it's going to affect anything. This is inside baseball for technology writers and readers and enthusiasts. Consumers are buying based on today. People bought iPad 2s right up until the new iPad was released. In the end of the day, it becomes a non-issue."

It's probably true that the people who worry about being able to upgrade their phones to newer versions of operating systems are a smaller slice of the market. The slice that's, you know, educated. It's also the slice you want, because they're probably the ones who buy lots of apps, are repeat customers and, if you'll pardon the obnoxious expression, make a platform "cool."