The Macalope Weekly: Beleaguered Microsoft


I've been using Windows-based tablet computers for almost a decade. I was hooked the moment Bill Gates trotted out Microsoft's first prototype tablets at a developer event in mid-2001.

Oh, my God, that guy! You shouldn't be out on the street. You should be in some sort of museum of cultural oddities.

Android and iOS tablets do a yeoman's job when it comes to consuming content, but lack the software tools and hardware features needed to create content.

It seems that you are recycling an argument that has been debunked right in the face. Numerous times. The Macalope could search the Internet and find examples of people doing creative work with the iPad, but why should he? Everyone who has an iPad knows that your assertion simply isn't true. The Macalope routinely writes his column and posts it to 's content management system with the iPad. And, look, he just drew a picture of a little kitty on his iPad. Isn't that cute?

iPads and Android tablets work best as "companion devices," and assume you have access to a PC or MacBook to handle everyday computing tasks. In fact, when I took my new iPad2 out of its box, it insisted that I connect it to iTunes running on a PC or Mac before it would let me do anything.