The Macalope Weekly: A bad joke


Hmm. Actually, as surprising as it might seem, the Macalope bought a Nexus 7 (for ) and he agrees with , who says the device makes the case for an "iPad mini."

Much of the excitement is because of the $199 price point. Samsung has a similar item that I saw stacked up at Costco.

This is leaving Apple flat-footed rather than at the head of the pack.

Totally. Apple, which continues to sell about a gazillion times more iPads than the next most popular tablet, has surely been caught flat-footed because, after two years of flailing their arms like one of those fan-blown things outside a car dealer, Android tablet makers may have found a nut. The horny one has already covered why Android OEMs make ridiculously large phones. It's because they can't sell tablets. Only companies that can actually provide you something to on a tablet--Apple, Amazon and Google--have shown they can sell tablets. And two of them have to sell them without making any money on them.