The Macalope Daily: Hissy fit du jour


Apple itself was widely seen as the best evidence for this fundamental truth! Personal computers running Microsoft Windows and powered by Intel processors were open to anyone, anywhere to tinker with and add or substract hardware, and they completely dominated the computing world. Meanwhile, Apple's decision to maintain total control over its own hardware was seen as self-defeating, as limiting its market share to the most devout true believers.

Yeah, how's that ?

Apple is the most valuable company in history! It can do what it wants.

Until, some day, it can't. Until users decide, hey, that new Samsung is just as good as the new iPhone and it is just so much less of a hassle to use it with my other devices, because, you know, it just works.

Apple has done this, pushed itself and its customers to use the best technology when it made sense. And look where it is today.