Bloggers give Obama marching orders for the IT industry


Moderator-Julie: Let's talk about the FCC. What should the new head of the FCC do about regulation, net neutrality, white spaces and so on ?

Craig_Mathias: From my perspective (wireless), I think net neutrality and open access need to be at the top of the FCC's agenda.

Curt_Monash: Do we need extreme forms of net neutrality, or can we let telecom companies charge differently for different qualities of service?

Dan_Tynan: The problem with Curt's idea is the cross ownership of the media. Some companies that own the pipes also own the content coming down the pipes. They're likely to exert control to give their own content favorable treatment.

Craig_Mathias: Dan - they do not. And they shouldn't. QoS is OK with me. But they can't prohibit legal traffic even if it competes with services they offer.