You don't know tech: InfoWorld news quiz


Question 10: Take the number of Gmail users left in the lurch after the service's first outage of 2011 and multiply by the number of malware-laden apps Google booted from its Android store, rounded to the nearest zero. Add the total number of Apple iPads sold during last year, rounded to the nearest million. Put that in your Angry Birds slingshot and let fly. What do you get?

Correct Answer: 16,750,000

Approximately 35,000 Gmail users lost all of their email earlier this week (not the 150,000 originally reported), thanks to a glitch in a storage update. The messages were later restored. Google gave the heave-ho to more than 50 malicious Trojan-bearing apps from its Android store (not the 21 originally reported). At the iPad 2 dog and pony show, Steve Jobs revealed that Apple moved 15 million iPads out the door during the last nine months of 2010 (more or less what has already been reported). So 35K * 50 + 15M = 16,750,000. Come back next week for a hopefully Sheen-free quiz.