You don't know tech: InfoWorld news quiz


Correct Answer: Ashton Kutcher

The first Twitter user to amass 1 million followers found his account hijacked this week by an as-yet unknown hacktivist, who apparently did it to demonstrate how insecure Twitter is and to promote the use of encrypted HTTPS log-ins. Sadly, he or she missed the opportunity to apologize on Ashton's behalf for "Killers" and "Dude, Where's My Car?"

Question 9: Google just cleaned its Android house, ejecting several apps created for the sole purpose of distributing mobile malware. What nasty bit of malicious code did these apps contain?

Correct Answer: DroidDream

Though DroidNightmare might be more appropriate. Once installed, this nasty bit of code gains root access to your device, giving it total administrative control over your Android phone, allowing it to steal your personal data and open a back door to let more nasties in. It turns out that Droid Does ... a lot more than you wish it did.