The Macalope Weekly: The Noyes machine


This may come as a shock to Ms. Noyes, but she is not . Her dreams do not make reality. This is simply fingers-in-the-ears denial, possibly caused by Android-based tablets continuing to have their butts handed to them by the iPad.

There’s a principle any first-grader can tell you: When you’re losing the game, you call the game stupid, flip the board and go home.

Why PCWorld would publish that as “analysis”, that’s the mystery.

What’s probably got Katherine upset is that Android tablets don’t seem to—yet, anyway—be getting the kind of traction Android smartphones have. Why might that be? Despite Noyes’s insistance that what people really care about is “open” versus “walled gardens,” the Macalope thinks it’s mostly been because Android phones are available on more carriers and cost less. To date, Android tablets have neither of these advantages.