The Macalope Weekly: Keeping the party rolling


Sure, dude.

Of course, what's he supposed to say? The truth? "Steve Jobs was right! Flash is an anachronistic, bug-ridden battery hog and the only platform I'd even remotely consider running it on is Windows, and only then because Microsoft let us do a bunch of weird stuff that makes it run better and also because the tackiness of your average Flash app seems more at home on Windows."

See, the truth doesn't sound very good.

The Macalope found it ironic that he had to keep turning up the volume on his MacBook Pro so he could hear Narayen explaining, over the sound of the fan kicking up to handle the Flash video, how Flash has no technology problems. Kudos to Walt Mossberg, however, for not letting Narayen get away with claiming Flash on Android is just peachy: "I have yet to test a single one where Flash works really well."

Oooh. Sick burn. Walt should give out some ointment with a burn like that. Walt should smother a guy in industrial fire-fighting foam when delivering a such a third-degree burn.