The Macalope Weekly: Enthusiasms


Finally, she probably really doesn’t want to talk about the fact that it looks like Android’s growth Nope, the iPhone is destined to become a niche product because Android is wicked boss, yo.

Take a look at and you can see her bias: she’s an open-source enthusiast. She even calls herself “Linux Girl,” often using the third person. (What kind of crazy nut does ) Look, the Macalope knows Tux, he’s partied with Tux, Tux is a good friend of his. So he has great sympathy for Linux. But, this isn’t analysis, it’s boosterism. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s not like the Macalope doesn’t engage in it himself.

What’s wrong is that this particular piece is a haphazard collection of loosely connected items that fails to achieve the dramatic effect intended by its creator.

Hey! Kind of like Linux!