Runic Games' Schaefer talks secret game


Regarding Mythos, it sounds like that project now belongs to the ages. What is Runic Games working on now? Is it in the spirit of Mythos?

We've begun work on a game that is very much in the spirit of Mythos. We're starting from absolute scratch, of course, but we're still committed to the idea of an easy to play, action-RPG. This time we plan to start with a single-player version, and then expand to an MMO.

Does Runic consider itself to primarily be a PC developer? Is there any potential interest in something like Xbox Live or PSN?

We are primarily a PC developer, but we still have interest in other platforms. Right now, however, the PC is the best platform for us, and is still the best option for games where you might want to chat with other people. Secretly, however, we'd love to do an iPhone version!

I've heard only a few details about your latest project, but it sounds like a free-to-play model with microtransactions. Do you expect to release it on store shelves as well? What steps have you taken to evolve in the face of the changing PC game market?