Opinion: Windows 7, FUD and slow news days


Even worse are the news outlets that pick up an already botched story and simply rewrite it so they can share a bit in the click-fest. Plagiarizing poor reporting really might be the lowest form of life in the news business.

Back to the survey behind all those news stories:

"What is your biggest barrier to deploying Windows 7?"

In the eWeek article, this became, "When asked for their reasons behind non-adoption...." Does the question ask why respondents aren't adopting Windows 7? No. It simply asks what the biggest barrier is not the same thing. In fact, none of the questions in the survey asked whether the respondents had decided not to adopt Windows 7.

In any event, nearly 43% of those answering the actual question (the biggest barrier to deploying Windows 7) cited a lack of time and resources. You'd be amazed how many news stories reported this by saying things like "Nearly 43 per cent of the IT administrators who said they'd skip Windows 7 cited 'lack of time and resources' as the reason." But had any of them actually said they were going to skip Windows 7? If they did, you can't tell from the questions that were asked.