Opinion: Windows 7, FUD and slow news days


We have already deployed Windows 7: 1.4%

Seems like a reasonable question, but any middle schooler can tell you that eWeek's headline "Microsoft Windows 7 Will be Skipped by 6 in 10 Companies, Says Survey" is at best an illogical conclusion, at worst a flat-out lie, and at minimum poor reporting. Reuters mirrored that headline, while Infopackets went for direct sensationalism with "Win7 Doomed, Says ScriptLogic Survey." Of course, the Mac and Linux Web sites are only too happy to jump on the train. And yes, even Computerworld ran with the headline

TopNews said, "60% of companies giving Windows 7 a miss!" If you can't be bothered to do the research, use an exclamation mark!

ChannelRegister even mentioned that "the data runs counter to an apparently emerging industry wisdom that Microsoft's next client will be a relative shoo-in." I'm not sure what that assertion was based on, but I do think that if you find data running contrary to belief, you might examine the data with a little more scrutiny and report it appropriately.

It happens every day in the media, sometimes as part of an honest mistake, but often not. Consider the source credibility for the above stories. A company that is trying to sell a product dedicated to making it easier to deploy Windows 7 commissions a survey that explains how hesitant companies are to deploy Windows 7. But hey, "thar be numbers in them thar PDFs"... so that makes it credible, right? That's roughly what goes into making a headline on a slow news day.