How to meet the challenges of 21st century security and privacy


Christopher Burgess: Thank you Richard, it's a pleasure to talk with you again. I have been blessed with being amidst those who are at the vanguard of evolving new security processes and solutions and not having been placed in a position where I was facing "but it's not the way we do it" scenarios.

My 30,000-foot perspective has not changed since we co-authored Secrets Stolen, Fortune Lost -- every company (emphasis intended) regardless of locale has the potential to fall into the sights of an entity or individual who has designs on their assets. The company can choose to educate or not educate their workforce to this reality.

Sadly, I continue to see far too many companies operating as if they are immune from falling into the cross-hairs of someone's targeting scheme because they aren't engaged in national security work -- they equate economic espionage and IP theft to only those in the national security vertical. While I dont disagree the nation state vector is one about which we, collectively, must pay attention; the individual, the competitor and the criminal vectors also warrant every company's attention.

Likewise, far too many companies are not making their whole workforce security and threat aware. Companies are in essence, whether they intend to or not, selecting whom they believe will be targeted by an adversary based on the assumption that certain employees work wouldn't be of interest.

Power: Any increase in the level of awareness?