How to meet the challenges of 21st century security and privacy


To enable privacy, individuals need control. So we are returning control to the individual end user. Once the individual has control and feels their personal data is safe, then they can start to make use of that data and let reap the benefits. Their data has huge value after all. Its what we call Data Equity. If someone uses your data, or targets you, for example, you should get something in return. And of course you want the benefits of crowd as well -- not only to crowd-source, but also to crowd-feed.

You can decide yourself what communities and populations are relevant. So you can see Lifepass embraces 4 key principles: Privacy, Value, Control and Crowd. But it goes even further than that and gives you a very personal and relevant digital experience. Its a platform to enable your Digital Lifestyle.

Richard Power is a Distinguished Fellow and Director of Strategic Communications at Carnegie Mellon University CyLab, one of worlds leading academic cyber security research programs. His office is at the Carnegie Mellon Universitys Silicon Valley campus in NASA Research Park (Mountain View, California).