Are Dedicated Servers for Modern Warfare 2 a Bad Idea?


Bowling's post doesn't seem to have placated the community. 856 comments later, a majority of responses have been...let's just say not positive.

A note about the issue is MIA from , which was locked earlier today to deal with "excessive vandalism." While the new IWNET approach is mentioned under the 'Online' subsection, reference to the debate is only available in the discussion section, under the sub-hed

Personal opinion?

What is control, really? The power to shape a game experience on your terms? Or the power to have a great game experience on someone else's?

I'm not saying Infinity Ward's right here, but I'm not sure what, exactly, I'm supposed to burn in effigy. I'm reading a few legitimate questions raised about international gaming (you'd think Infinity Ward would have IWNET servers abroad, but answers before assumptions, of course). I see others about IWNET's particulars, requests for specific features that Infinity Ward should absolutely feel obliged to pay close and serious attention to. One in particular strikes me as a niche "gotcha" in that for-money competitions could get dicey when it comes to regulating ping times (though players competing across disparate geographical locations are always going to be unevenly matched unless you introduce a latency handicap).