Are Dedicated Servers for Modern Warfare 2 a Bad Idea?


But it might flail around some on the PC side if the over 160,000 people who signed are serious.

The petition couldn't be simpler: "Get Infinity Ward to review their decision not to allow fully dedicated servers for their forthcoming game release CoD:MW2."

The official response?

So far just Bowling's, . In summary, Bowling says IWNET makes finding optimal-speed matches easier and faster, doesn't remove the option to control private matches (particularly important for clan play), provides a versatile friends list with optional "partying" that's persistent between matches, and eliminates servers with "aim-bots, wallhacks, or cheaters."

"All in all," concludes Bowling, "IWNET adds a load of new features that the PC version of our games have never had before and allows us an infrastructure to continue to update and improve on the game post-launch."