12 Amazing Productivity Boosters


Hard-core productivity types need no introduction to . This online capture tool is way more than a note-taking service. You can type in notes, capture pictures from your smartphone camera, clip content from Web pages, and dictate voice notes into Evernote, and then search for them--even for handwritten words on scraps of paper in pictures--when you need them again. ()

Keeping a team on track takes focus. To ensure that everyone is concentrating on a shared project, try Huddle. This Web-based project-management service gives you a workspace and calendar that you can share with your entire group, so you can dole out tasks, share whiteboards for brainstorming, collaborate on documents, and chat about how terribly behind schedule you are. ()

Have an amazing productivity booster I didn't mention here? Tell me about it in the comments and I'll most likely give it a try (if I haven't already).