12 Amazing Productivity Boosters

It's official: I can no longer think of a single person I know (unless, of course, you count my two-year-old) who doesn't have more work on their to-do list than any human being can reasonably be expected to handle. If you're like everyone I know, chances are you could use a few new tools to help you manage your priorities, simplify your life, and . This guide is for you.

Although there's no shortage of free utilities and services promising to make you a powerhouse, in my experience few of them meet the increasingly high demands of real-world use. I've tested an astounding variety of task managers, list apps, calendars, project trackers, and note takers over the years. Here are 12 that truly earn their keep.

If you're into Inbox Zero, as I am, then you probably feel a deep, bone-crushing need to address and delete every single item in your inbox by the end of the day. So what to do with all those e-mail messages you get that don't require action until tomorrow, next Monday, or January 3? Answer: .

Register your e-mail address at Nudgemail.com, and you can then use your Forward button as a snooze button. Forward a message to tomorrow@nudgemail.com, and it will return tomorrow. Monday@nudgemail.com will restore it on Monday. Nov13@nudgemail.com will send it back to you on November 13. And with your inbox empty, you can finally go to sleep. ()