12 Amazing Productivity Boosters


For more-traditional task management, it's hard to beat Toodledo's robust interface. Toodledo is optimized for the GTD methodology with context tags, locations, folders, and great tools for adding notes to a task or project. It works with a variety of , , and .

The free version is plenty useful for individual users, but if you want collaboration and sharing features, subtasks, goal tracking, and the ability to print cool little paper booklets of your daily agenda, you can get a Pro account for $15 a year. A $30-per-year Pro Plus account adds 5GB of storage for file attachments. ()

More than a few people in this office have taken to carrying their iPads around from meeting to meeting. Our favorite task manager for Apple's slate is Taska, a $5 download that syncs with Toodledo. ()