White vs. Black iPhone 4: Different Cameras?


Everybody's eyeballs are different, so why not see for yourself? Click through to the next page for the sample images and video from each iPhone 4, along with comments from our panel of seven editors.

See the full-size images here: |

Comments from our editors/panelists: Several editors said that the white iPhone 4 added a "weird color tint" to our flash exposure shot, which contributed to inaccurate skin tones. Associate Editor Ginny Mies even described our mannequin model as having "a jaundiced look." A few editors noted deeper blues and purples in our white iPhone 4 test shot, as well as a warmer overall color temperature. The black iPhone 4 was described as having a softer, more-balanced flash, as well as better white-balance automation when using the flash.

We're not sure that these impressions can be attributed to each iPhone's camera, but it's worth noting that Assistant Editor Megan Geuss noted "a look of desperation" on our mannequin's face in our white iPhone shot, while there was "a look of hope" on her face in the black iPhone 4 shot.