Which Campaign is Better: Laptop Hunter or Get a Mac?

Microsoft has unveiled , throwing back a powerful punch against Apple's long-running (and, by most counts, long-winning) campaign on coolness. Unlike Microsoft's past attempts, this new line of marketing has many ad experts taking note -- and saying maybe, just maybe, Microsoft has finally hit the mark.

Microsoft's Laptop Hunter Ad

The new "Laptop Hunter" spot, the third in Microsoft's latest ad series, shows a mom and son trying to find a laptop for less than US$1500. Microsoft offers to pay the price of the computer if they can find one within that range.

The ad follows similar spots debuted this month, one featuring and the other with . Both went on similar missions to find inexpensive laptops and, after comparing Macs and PCs, ended up going with Microsoft's platform.

Shifting Strategy

The "Laptop Hunter" strategy is a definite departure from last fall's divisive . (Microsoft, for the record, says those segments were meant only and get people talking.) It also takes a distinctly different focus from the "I'm a Mac" ads Apple has long used to beat down the Microsoft name.