What you need to know about IIS 7


Additionally, you'll find that URLScan-like functionality is included with IIS 7 natively, so that Web requests can be filtered for nefarious attempts to exploit security holes. And IIS can piggyback on the many security improvements Longhorn Server will bring to the table, making the system as well as the service more secure.

For more information, see the following:

- Microsoft's IIS blogs (http://blogs.iis.net/)

- More on the redesigned user interface (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windowsserver2003/library/iis7/Ops/f2f280bf-47d4-45a6-8ad3-1a5235de61ca.mspx?mfr=true)

Jonathan Hassell is an author, consultant and speaker on a variety of IT topics. His published works include RADIUS, Hardening Windows, Using Windows Small Business Server 2003 and Learning Windows Server 2003 (O'Reilly Media, 2003). His work appears regularly in such periodicals as Windows IT Pro magazine, PC Pro and TechNet Magazine. He also speaks worldwide on topics, ranging from networking and security to Windows administration. He is currently an editor at Apress LLC, a publishing company specializing in books for programmers and IT professionals.