Weekly Wrap: Macworld's top stories for the week of May 22, 2011


We also shared hints on in Preview, , and , which is less painful than it sounds--particularly for Twitterrific. And we shared advice on , and yes, this refers to the kind of flash Mac users should embrace (not the crashtastic memory hog).

As ever, we offered a slew of reviews. offers great multiplayer--complete with in-game trash-talking; reminds you about your tasks and [NOTE TO SELF: Finish Notificant's description later]; lives up to its name, and floats our boat. , unfortunately, was a bit of a disappointment.

On the hardware side, we really liked , although their name is certainly an earful. We also covered --"And to think," some Windows fan somewhere must have chortled, "it's not even made by Apple!" Chris Breen couldn't deny that the has (forgive me) appeal. We also wrote up , which we managed to do with a straight face.