Users Weigh in on Google+

We've heard all about Google+ from the tech pundits, including . However, on Google+ itself, plenty of navel-gazing is going on right now, which leads to a lot of snap analysis from people both "in the know" and the average Joe.

Below are ten comments found while surfing around Google+ seeking users' thoughts about the service. Many seem truly excited about what Google+ may bring to the social networking table, but quite a few are either skeptical or dismissive of its impact in the space.

I'm interested to hear from PCWorld readers who have access to Google+ on what they think. Are you impressed? Nonplussed? Let me know your opinion in the comments.

"I'd love to see Spark stories based on social activity around those stories, eg. "iPhone 5 picture leaked, +384, +3 Friends". It might also be interesting to create circles of Sparks, eg. "Mobile" would contain the keywords "iphone, android, palm", hmm, that might be a bit cumbersome, but there is something to it."

--Kevin Rose, founder of Digg