Top 5 Wish List for iOS 5


3) Push Notification Revamp

The current push system in iOS 4 works fine, but definitely leaves something to desire. Specifically, viewing past notifications seems to be glaring omission in the current implementation.

4) Widgets and/or Multi-tasking bar customization

Having to exit your app and navigate through to change the screen brightness on an iPhone can be ever-so inconvenient. However, simple, often-used tasks such as that might be well suited for a widgets interface, similar to Dashboard in OS X. Having said that, the overall app paradigm works great and introducing widgets may just be overkill. Having the multitasking bar be customizable might be a quite sufficient solution. For example, I’d much prefer a brightness slider to the volume slider in the multi-tasking bar, since there are physical buttons for that.

5) Improved Multi-tasking