The Macalope Daily: Schools of thought


Sure, you'd forego all the utility and enjoyment that you'd get out of having a functioning iPad in your hands between now and whenever Windows 8 tablets that don't suck start shipping. But were you aware that your iPad purchase is completely irreversible and may send you into a dangerous iPad lifestyle that will affect you and everyone you love? Please read this informative pamphlet and get help now.

The second school of thought: "iPads just suck!"

ZDNet's David Gewirtz helpfully provides "16 reasons NOT to buy a new iPad (including 7 that haven't changed from earlier iPads)" (tip o' the antlers to LeTap), a delightful piece of passive-aggressive link-baiting spread over not one, not two, but .

Some drawbacks of the iPad, in David's opinion, are the fact that Apple won't allow porn apps on the App Store and the 4-by-3 aspect ratio, which he calls "anachronistic." David must be using an an unusual definition of the word, though, as given that Apple sells more iPads than all other tablets combined you can safely say its features are "in style."

Our final school of thought on this important topic: "Why buy an iPad when you can settle for less?"