The CRM Reality Distortion Field


• Is the system as easy to access, with essentially equal performance, from all your office locations and road-warrior destinations? Don't forget to include VPN and SSO issues here.

• Is the user interface equally drivable from an XVGA laptop screen and an iPhone/BlackBerry, as well as a WXGA desktop screen? Do the pages require you to scroll endlessly, or do they have a good tabbing system?

• How many pages does it take to enter a hot prospect or a new order? Count the number of mouse-clicks and keyboard entries. (Note: this can be at least as much an issue of system configuration as it is of UI design.)

• If you've got several different user types, how much can the system be customized for their needs? De-clutter is everything, particularly in sales.

• If you've got a call center, what percentage of standard operations can be done without requiring use of the mouse? Is it easy to integrate the CRM with your phone system, to have screen-pops, and create context-sensitive scripts? Is there a view that lets the user see most of the customer relationship history all on one screen?