Survey: is best federal Web site


- 54 percent of federal Web sites (up from 44 percent last year) and 43 percent of state sites (up from 40 percent last year) meet the World Wide Web Consortium disability guidelines. 77 percent of state and federal sites have services that are fully executable online, compared to 73 percent last year.

- 1 percent of state and federal sites are accessible through PDAs, pagers or mobile phones, the same percentage as last year.

- 71 percent of state and federal Web sites have some form of privacy policy on their sites, up from 69 percent in 2005, and 63 percent have a visible security policy, up from 54 percent last year. 30 percent of sites offered some type of foreign language translation, up from 18 percent last year.

- 64 percent of government Web sites are written at the 12th grade reading level, which is much higher than that of the average American. After Texas and New Jersey, the highest ranking states include Oregon, Michigan, Utah, Montana, New York, Illinois, Indiana and Pennsylvania.

The top-rated federal Web sites also include the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Commerce, the Department of the Treasury, the Internal Revenue Service, the Postal Service, the Department of Education, the Social Security Administration and the Department of State.