Steve Jobs: We're Not Tracking Anyone, but Android Is


Much ado about nothing?

Users who have used the iPhone Tracker from that first disclosed the tracking issue report that the iPhone appears to rather than pinpoint your exact location. Add to this that both Google and Apple have said that the information , and the entire uproar seems a bit "Chicken Little."

Jobs' comment is the first we've heard from Apple since the public disclosure of the tracking database last week, but it's probably not enough to allay people's fears. I'm willing to bet that this is not the last we've heard from Apple--especially now that the government is involved.

Don't be too surprised if in the next few weeks or months hearings are held on Capitol Hill. Privacy is a hot-button issue in Washington, and politicians will jump at the chance to appear 'on top' of this issue. Whether anything will actually come out of it, however, is questionable.