Six Ways to Get Your Employees to Use CRM Software

A guaranteed way to increase your company's sales is to have a system in place to manage your sales activities. Having a custom relationship management (CRM) system that is easy and gets used by the sales team is a great step towards that goal.

Businesses are constantly facing the challenge of convincing sales teams to adopt CRM as the daily vitamin for their sales routine. The sales force is likely already aware that CRM is a valuable and effective tool that can optimize the sales process and help strengthen customer relationships. The challenge is getting employees to accept new applications and processes in spite of feeling uncomfortable with the prospect of having to change their habits and conform to an unfamiliar system.

This, in essence, is the user adoption conundrum--employees consistently cling to old routines and habits out of comfort, despite the risk that they may fall behind their competitors. Here are six proven tips to help employees overcome the user adoption challenge.

Keep It Simple

If a CRM solution takes too much effort to learn and use, sales people will resist incorporating the extra work into their already busy lives. A CRM solution that easily integrates into existing daily routines is key. Whether this happens by purchasing a product that incorporates into an already familiar application, or integrates into an existing system in some other way will make the implementation of a new CRM package less painful for all involved.

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