Sarah Palin's CIO on Hunting for Bear and IT Staff


When I came to the legislature, the Lieutenant Governor's Office, and here in the Department of Administration, hiring became more about, "Do you have a sense of humor? Can you sit with the team we already have? Is your skill set what we need?" Both the skill set and personality have to fit. If you have a skill set and you can't get along with anybody, you're no good to me; how are you going to get anything done? No one is an island, and you have to be able to get along with other people. I'll take the person who fits in and train them over the person who has oodles and oodles of experience but shows me that they can't get along.

Certainly, they have to understand and speak the language of IT. They also need to show me their vision. That's very important. Don't just talk to me as though I was reading something out of an IT magazine. If you're just spouting that back to me, that's not vision.

Yes. For example, when we hired the ETS director, both of my deputy commissioners were involved. Neither one has a huge background in IT. We solicited feedback from within the ETS division, asking, "What do you perceive the issues to be in your division?" We synthesized and summarized all those comments. Then we went back to the ETS folks and said, "Okay, this is what we heard from you. Now we are going out to hire somebody who's going to deal with these issues, as well as the issues that the commissioner thinks are important."