Sarah Palin's CIO on Hunting for Bear and IT Staff


I start off by asking, "Tell me about your experience." That's your opportunity to sell your experience. I'm not constricting you in any way.

Second, "How do you keep yourself sharp as a manager?" You have to be sharp as a manager, so what is it that you do for yourself that keeps you sharp.

And the last thing I always ask is, "Why should I hire you?" My goal is that you'll understand what my needs are and you'll tell me you can and want to meet those needs.

The impact on us was the large number of public records requests that hit the state. Because we maintain those servers, we are the ones who had to do the research and we are still searching for e-mails that people have requested. Governor Palin is very visible, and there are lots of people who support her and like her, and there are lots of people who are concerned about her rising in any way, shape or form, so we continue to get a lot of public records requests that we have to respond to.