Remains of the Day: Delighting the senses


And here I thought they were just going to go back to 2D graphics. That third D is so overrated.


Yes, the former chief financial officer for airline United Continental, Zane Row, is now a VP of sales at Apple. It must be liberating to go from an industry where people love to complain about your pricing to one where your products basically sell themselves.


Traditionally, Apple's shied away from starpower in its commercials. But in two new spots for the iPhone 4S--specifically, the iPhone 4S on Verizon's network--actors Zooey Deschanel and Samuel L. Jackson are shown using Siri for a variety of tasks. In the first, the iPhone's virtual assistant helps the quirky actress combat the rainy day blues; in the second spot, Siri helps Samuel L. Jackson get some $%@#&* organic mushrooms for his $%@#&* gazpacho.