Novell bringing .Net developers to Apple iPad

Novell is positioning its MonoTouch software development kit as a mechanism for building Microsoft .Net-based applications for Apple's new iPad device.

removes obstacles to .Net development for the iPad, the company said. Without MonoTouch, developers who use .Net will not be easily able to build iPad applications because the developer program and license limits the languages that application developers can use to less-common and more complex programming languages, such as Objective-C and C, Novell officials said.

"Enter MonoTouch," said Charlotte Betterley, Novell representative, in a . "MonoTouch is a software development kit that will enable iPad developers to utilize code and libraries written for the .Net development framework and easier-to-use programming languages such as C#. Microsoft .Net developers will be able to use MonoTouch while fully complying with Apple's license terms."

MonoTouch 1.9, an alpha release of the kit featuring  iPad capabilities, was made available this week week. It is available at "You can create a new iPad project and when you test and run, you'll run in the iPad simulator," said Joseph Hill, Mono program manager at Novell. Developers get access to iPad features such as layout controls.

"There's an army of .Net developers out there that are already comfortable with the [C#] language and we still have some .Net features that are not available to Objective-C developers on the iPhone, such as garbage collection," for memory management, Hill said.