New iPad launch: Life in the queue at Regent Street


Fenola and Harry, a couple from Upminster, were waiting from 8pm on Wednesday 14 March. Looking comfortable with deckchairs, pillows and blankets, the pair told us they'll be buying the 64GB 4G Black iPad. They choose the black models of Apple products because people tend to notice it less, they explained.

(Above: Fenola looking comfortable with pillows and blankets)

Harry explained to us that his favourite feature would have been the , but that's , so until then it's the Retina display. The pair queued up for the iPad 2, and they'll be selling those iPad 2s as soon as they get their mitts on the new iPad.

Harry and Fenola would really like to see a thinner and lighter iPad next time, rather than the thicker and heavier model Apple has produced for the third-generation iPad, but they admitted that it's a small price to pay for a Retina Display.

Harry uses his iPad when he's commuting, for browsing the web, reading, watching videos.