New iPad has some enterprise benefits - analysts


"This is very professional product evolution with Apple majoring on how the iPad is the device of the 'post-PC' era. Tim Cook showed a chart where the iPad in Q4 2011 outsold all PCs from each of the individual major suppliers," he added.

"Indeed, forecasters are now suggesting that by 2016 tablets will outsell all PCs (desktops and laptops). Long before then we should have a Windows 8 tablet, which just might give the first real competition to the iPad - particularly in the enterprise".

Mobile app company Antenna also picked up on the lack of a 'surprise' in Tim Cook's launch, but suggests that this may be the new approach for Apple under his leadership. Mark Watson, EVP of technology and engineering at Antenna, argues that Apple may now simply look to remain ahead of the competition with every release, rather than revolutionise the industry.

"The features that Apple has chosen to install on the new iPad show that the platform has 'normalised' - meaning that future releases will be iterative rather than revolutionary," said Watson.

"The fact that Apple didn't save any really big surprises for later in the presentation may mean that Apple itself has normalised as a company, into an industry behemoth rather than a game changer," he added.