Microsoft makes multimedia app design play


An offshoot, Windows Presentation Foundation Everywhere, was presented as a technology to extend the browser to run WPF. It is now in a technology preview stage.

Zocher showed a WPF application for Vista, the New York Times Reader, which also runs under .Net Framework 3.0 and Windows XP. It provides a newspaper-reading experience featuring dynamic new layout technology and advanced typography. Windows can be resized to dynamically lay out the whole page; ad placement also can be dynamic.

New York Times Reader presents a great example of a smart client application, Zocher said. The application also can cache stories it finds on the Internet for viewing in a disconnected manner.

Users get a very newspaper-like experience. "It's something no one needs to learn because they know how to use a newspaper already," said Zocher.

Zocher also highlighted some capabilities of the Microsoft 2007 Office system, including its ribbon-based toolbar.