Linux PHP vs. Windows ASP for Web hosting


The obvious advantage of ASP hosting is language flexibility, error handling, and code-behind structures that allow for the coder to work on a processing module without necessarily impacting the user's display or content. ASP enforces a more structured coding environment than LAMP, although the coder/programmer is ultimately responsible for any web development design, regardless of the tools used to build the site.

The bottom line is there is no supremely superior Web development environment. All three platforms have great features and are less work than a complete build of a Web presence without a development suite. All are superior e-commerce platforms, with large and dedicated user groups for support.

Deciding which one is the best choice for any specific application is entirely dependent on budget, programmer resources, and the Web hosting options available. Generally, if the server is Windows/IIS-based, the only choice is ASP.NET, unless a WAMP installation is a possibility. Conversely, If the server is mot Windows-based, then AMP is the only practical choice. is a well-respected online guide for Web hosting companies which offers comprehensive reviews of various hosting providers and other Web-related tutorials.

in Network World's Software section.