LinkedIn Tip: How Businesses Can Target Status Updates


In the next window that pops up, you can choose from a number of targeting options, including company size, industry, function, geography or geography.


Followers who match your criteria will see your update on their homepage, in their activity streams. The update will also be visible to anyone who visits your company page directly.

Another feature of "Targeted Status Updates" is analytics for each post, 24 hours after if was posted. These analytics, which appear under each of your posts, is available only to business page admins and includes the number of impressions the update received, how many clicks it generated, how many times it was shared and the engagement percentage.

LinkedIn also recommends keeping an eye on your follower statistics, which will help you hone your messages to ensure you're reaching the appropriate audience. You can find this tab at the top of your LinkedIn business page between "Products & Services" and "Page Statistics."