Letter from a CEO: Steve Jobs responds to your email


Wow, I bet his mother is proud of him.

I'm with Jobs on this one. And probably so is Jay's mom. Yes, the man lives in California and got a transplant in Tennessee. I don't think anyone did anything illegal. When you have the money, you can get on as many state and hospital donor lists as you can afford. That's just how health care in this country works. Want to reform it? Good luck with that.

Finally, I heard from longtime reader CS, who feels I (and InfoWorld in general) come down too hard on Apple and Jobs:

Lately, you are sounding like damaged goods, like a bitter ex with regards to Apple... Steve Jobs particularly. This appears to be the InfoWorld party line lately....

As a developer of custom apps for small businesses, sure I would like the ability to code for the iPad without getting Apple's approval. The reality is it is Apple is the vision of Steve Jobs. It is not a computer, technology or manufacturing company like Microsoft, Dell, HP, IBM, Oracle, etc. Apple sells products that appeal to people... The others make office equipment.