Latest iPad security threat: fake jailbreak code


The code apparently was designed to run on a Microsoft Windows PC, and enough people downloaded it that MuscleNerd tweeted: “I'm astonished how many Windows users are rushing to run a random EXE from known JB fraudster (malicious payload possible)” Jailbroken devices are by definition open to “unofficial” apps, which could be everything and only what they claim to be, but could also conceal a variety of malware attacks. In theory, requiring developers to pass muster, meet standards, and publish apps only through a vendors online catalog provides a level of protection for end users.

MuscleNerd reminded hackers and users that “The only iPad2 JB to date is from that first week” (comex is another well-known hacker and iPhoneDevTeam member), but added “that initial JB isn't suitable for a general release. It was proof of concept for parts of it.”


The reactions on d0nfyxn’s Facebook page, by other Facebook users, range from baffled naiveté, through chilling threats, to obscene denunciation.

One user, David Borges sounded pleading: “Can someone just post screenshots with proof that it works, with a decent video with no tricks with cydia working and all that? is it so hard? Rghh”