iPhone 5 rumor roundup for the week ending June 10


But there's even more. 9to5Mac linked to another rumor at TalkAndroid, which according to 9to5Mac claims that a Sprint iPhone will include dual-band support for T-Mobile, about which 9to5Mac rhetorically asks, "weird, right?"

It would be, . The rumor actually posted is this: "Sprint and T-Mobile will be getting the iPhone 4S. 'It's kind of a leap-frog system where AT&T/Verizon take turns getting the newer model first, then with Sprint/T-Mobile' [the quote is from one of TalkAndroid's sources, who are "some people in the Sprint store"]."

TalkAndroid helpfully explains What It All Means. "What this is basically saying is that the iPhone 5 will probably be out first on AT&T/Verizon, and then Sprint/T-Mobile." In other words, Apple's alleged "leap-frog system" will have future iPhone models being released first on alternating pairs of carriers.

And for the record, TalkAndroid also thinks Sprint is getting something called iPhone 4S.

iPhone 5, and other iOS 5 devices, with iMessage means the end of SMS as we, and the carriers, know it.