IBM Is 100: Will Other Tech Companies Last That Long?


Microsoft, as with Google, is more than a one trick pony. It has its successful Xbox 360 video game platform, and made some savvy investments--such as Skype--and could very easily go to the cloud in the years to come. You really this company will ever go away?

Yes, Big Blue is going to stick around for another 100 years. The company might be out of the desktop PC market, but it is out of the electric typewriter market too. Those other typewriter companies were either bought up or are out of business, but IBM managed to evolve and is still here. The company is looking at , which could put it back on top in the business world. And if all else fails, it has a computer that can beat !

Of course, for every IBM there is a Smith Corona--the latter was founded 25 years before IBM and thus actually reached 100 years in business, but it finally went bankrupt in 1995. Here are a few other companies that might not survive through the ages: