How to run your business in Evernote


At its core Evernote is a juiced-up note-taking system, but you can get more out of it if you make use of the software's multimedia capabilities. Joey Price, CEO of Jumpstart:HR, says, "I record the audio of client meetings while jotting down notes in real time. We manage a lot of different clients, and sometimes taking notes in shorthand isn't enough. Being able to replay the audio back once I've left helps me re-immerse in my thought process and generate new ideas to help our clients."

Archive essential emails

Storing email permanently in a webmail folder or within Outlook is usually fine, but it means you have to have access to your inbox in order to read it. Evernote gives you a couple of options for upgrading the way email is archived. First, Outlook users can use the "Add to Evernote 4" button that appears in the toolbar to send the full text of an email to Evernote as a note at the touch of a button.

Not an Outlook user? Use the "email to Evernote" capability to send any message directly to Evernote. When you create your account, Evernote assigns you a custom email address to use. Just forward notes or received messages to this address, and they'll automatically be converted into notes behind the scenes.

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