How IT pros can gear up for corporate leadership


"Within the program, we were all classmates, instead of potential business partners or competitors," he said. "The environment encouraged us to freely share our experiences, both successes and failures. Since all of us come from major corporations, these cases are often sensitive. But as classmates, the priority is to learn from each other, thus we were more comfortable to share. That's the number one benefit."

Ngai said that the relationships, insights and knowledge acquired from the EMBA program has a lasting and direct impact towards an individual. "The EMBA program is tailored to enhance an individual. It provides multiple paths and options for an individual to achieve breakthrough to one's career," he said.

Since most students in the program hold senior management positions, few are motivated by a promotion within the organization, but rather to seek new heights for themselves or for their organizations. "The program has taken me to the next level of my personal journey, where I can explore opportunities I would never have thought possible before," said Ngai.

The return for the organization, however, very much depends on the individual. Most corporate training programs are based on leadership development geared towards the organization's needs, while an EMBA program may not bring straightforward benefits to the organization.