How IT pros can gear up for corporate leadership


"It's very important to understand how business works--like how to meet business quotas and how marketing strategies are planned," he said. "For example, starting a credit card business may cost half a million, but how is that budget allocated between marketing, operation and other business functions? It's something most IT executives aren't familiar with."

People skills are important for all IT executives as they are no longer managing systems or technologies but people. But more important are inter-personal "soft skills." Yeung said a business roles require working with a greater diversity of people, both within the company and externally with different non-tech vendors, partners and customers.

With non-IT and management skills as the fundamentals for moving up the corporate ladder, more leadership development programs are available for IT leaders. We look at some of the programs available and how they help local IT professionals seeking the next rung on the ladder.

Like many executives, Raymond Ngai, head of IT infrastructure and operation services at the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC), chose to pursue an executive MBA (EMBA) program to achieve a breakthrough. As an alumnus of the Kellogg-HKUST EMBA 2005-2006, Ngai found the experience not only educational, but inspiring.