Get a Sneak Peek at Firefox's New 'Australis' Interface


Similar in many ways to the tab style used in Google's , Australis tabs feature softly curved edges, as shown in the screenshot at left. Only the active tab is rendered using a curve, however; inactive background tabs are rendered without a background, almost as if they're part of the window's title bar.

'Coming Along Soon'

The new look isn’t yet an official part of the Firefox nightly builds, but “it should be coming along soon,” wrote Wein, who also apologized that it wasn't yet available as a preview for users on Linux or OS X.

If you're on Windows and can't resist checking it out, Wein asks that you leave any feedback or suggestions in the of his post.

In the meantime, of course, Mozilla also announced this week that it's working on an iPad-friendly version of its browser code-named “.”