GameSalad engine launches membership plan, iPhone games


As a taste of things to come, two new iPhone games made with the GameSalad program were released for the iPhone Friday and are available for download. The $2 uses the iPhone's built-in accelerometer to let players control the Spark that "protects and guides newborn planets" in this challenging sci-fi game. The more tongue-in-cheek , puts the player in the shoes of a Nameless Master who must use the old ancient weapons of battle and seek vengeance against the "Deadly Dragon Clan." Featuring hand-drawn art, stylizes sprites and animations, this clever twist on the classic game of rock, paper, scissors costs $1.

The two titles are designed to pave the way for future games and show off what the GameSalad engine can do.

GameSalad offers , along with an .

While the iPhone market develops, the gap between powerful gaming houses and low-budget independent developers widens. GameSalad's potential to help the little guy out is encouraging and hopefully will help level the playing field considerably. If you have a great iPhone game idea, GameSalad's engine could be just what you need to make it a reality.