Friday the 13th and the cracked iPad

After having more than a dozen iOS devices entrusted to my care I experienced the "Ah drat!" moment that all iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad owners dread--gravity gets its grip on the device, it tumbles to the ground, and goes the display. My new third-generation iPad managed to slip off my desk and glance off the one metal object on my office's carpeted floor. That glancing blow was enough to shatter a section of the iPad's glass display and send cracks across the bottom-left corner.

Those who haven't faced such a wrenching moment may wonder what one does after the swearing stops and tears dry. It goes something like this:

Knowing that getting the thing replaced was likely going to be a costly exercise, I pondered if there was a way to replace just the glass and save myself a few bucks. With that in mind I contacted Kyle Wiens at --a company on the forefront of do-it-yourself tech repairs--and asked if there were any options. He replied:

"We don't have replacement glass yet, and probably won't for some time. We're definitely working on it, but demand is usually too weak until the device has been out for a while. I think this is an instructive story into how limited people's options are. Unless iFixit provides an option, people are up a creek."

He went on to explain that you can't use iFixit's because its connector and cable length is different from what you find in the third-generation iPad.